Your business requires you to read and analyze large volumes of financial documents (tax returns, balance sheets, financial statements, annual reports, etc.).
The reciTAL platform offers a unique solution for processing financial documents in both structured (CERFA forms) and free-form formats:
- Detection of useful pages within the document (e.g. assets, liabilities, cash flow statement, appendices, etc.).
- Standardized line extraction: each line is reconciled with the chosen reference system (CERFA codes, PCG, US GAAP, etc.).
- Standard extraction of columns (gross, amortization, net, n, n-1), regardless of their order of presentation
- Hundreds of business checks (rows, columns, subtotals, totals) to identify pages requiring human verification or correction.
- A video coding interface
- A dedicated reporting tool.
For the flow of balance sheets and tax returns received by French registries, reciTAL technology offers an automation rate of 98%, i.e. of the 700 possible values to be extracted, 98% are correct.
For Financial Statements in US formats, the automation rate is 96%.
Why reciTAL
The only solution offering an automation rate > 96%.
Ready-to-use FR and US models - training a new model in less than 1 month.
Extremely fine-grained control and reporting, to optimize residual video coding effort