QuestEval is a reference-less metric used in text-to-text tasks, that compares the generated summaries directly to the source text, by automatically asking and answering questions.

Its adaptation to Data-to-Text tasks is not straightforward, as it requires multimodal Question Generation and Answering systems on the considered tasks, which are seldom available.

To this purpose, we propose a method to build synthetic multimodal corpora enabling to train multimodal components for a data-QuestEval metric.

The resulting metric is reference-less and multimodal; it obtains state-of-the-art correlations with human judgment on the WebNLG and WikiBio benchmarks. We make data-QuestEval’s code and models available for reproducibility purpose, as part of the QuestEval project.

Clément Rebuffel, Thomas Scialom, Laure Soulier, Benjamin Piwowarski, Sylvain Lamprier, Jacopo Staiano, Geoffrey Scoutheeten, Patrick Gallinari

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